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Personalize Your Smart Home with Voice Control Systems

A father helping his children do homework in the kitchen.

Create Routines That Fit Your Daily Schedules and Activities

When it comes to homes and homeowners, one size doesn’t fit all. And when it comes to smart technology, the same holds true. That’s why voice control systems are so beneficial; they make customizing your smart home a breeze. 

Imagine walking into your New Orleans, LA, home after a long day at work and saying, “Alexa, I’m home,” then watch the lights turn on, the air conditioning fire up, and your favorite stress-reducing playlist start playing. A voice control system makes this kind of personalized experience possible, transforming your home into a space that caters to you—continue reading to learn more.

SEE ALSO: Make Your Life Simpler with a Control4 Home Automation System

A Custom Scene for Every Occasion

The ability to create a customized scene to match your routines and activities is one of the most exciting features of a voice control system. The potential of these scenes is limited only by your imagination. Here are some ideas to start you thinking about how voice control could benefit your home.

  • “Alexa, it’s Party Time” – this scene dims the lights, fires up some colorful LED accents, plays upbeat music, and unlocks the front door.
  • “Alexa, Good Morning” – this scene gradually raises the motorized shades, starts the coffee maker, and provides a weather update.
  • “Alexa, Time to Read” – this scene dims the lights, sparks the fireplace, and begins some soothing instrumental music in the background.

Seamless Integration with Your Smart Home

Voice control systems integrate with other smart devices in your home, like your thermostat, security cameras, smart locks, kitchen appliances, and lights. If you can integrate your devices with the system, you can control it with your voice. Imagine you’re cooking a meal, and the doorbell rings. Simply ask Alexa who’s there or to unlock the smart lock and let the visitor in. Integration presents convenience for homeowners and makes your home truly responsive to your needs.

Accessibility for All

Voice control systems help to simplify technology, and, in doing so, they improve the accessibility of smart devices for all members of your household. Alexa can help your aging parents turn off lights and lock doors in record time or help children find their favorite show on the TV. You can also program scenes that are easy for a child to remember, such as “Alexa, it’s Bath Time,” to turn on the bathroom lights, play some sing-a-long songs, and start a timer for 20 minutes. Just about the only thing the voice control can’t do is start the water.

Voice control systems are a fantastic way to customize how your smart home operates to better meet your needs. By creating personalized routines and integrating with other smart devices, your voice control will become your personal assistant—you’ll never know what you did before you had one! For homeowners in New Orleans, LA, contact us at Campo Better Living to learn more about voice control systems and how they can lend a hand in your day-to-day.

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