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Signs It’s Time to Upgrade Your Smart Home Technology

 Two men on a couch holding a tablet and smiling with a woman behind the couch pointing at something on the tablet screen.

Smart Home Upgrades Keep Your Technology Secure and Efficient

Just like the seasons change, so does technology. Keeping up with the latest features and capabilities can be a lot to manage when they change constantly. This doesn’t mean you need to shop for updates with every new release, but staying fairly current can enhance your living experience. Continue reading for signs it may be time to consider smart home upgrades in your New Orleans, LA, home.

  506 Hits

A Lutron Smart Home Sets Itself Apart

Open concept living room, dining room, kitchen layout with large windows and chandelier.

Learn How Innovative Smart Lighting and Shades Dramatically Alter Daily Living 

Lighting dramatically transforms the way your Mandeville, LA, home looks and feels, and you can instantly change the ambiance with the simple tap of a button. That is, you can if you have a lighting control system that incorporates shades, lights, and other smart home technologies.

You may be thinking, “Well, a light bulb is just a light bulb.” But once you experience the luxury and convenience of a Lutron smart home living experience, you’ll understand exactly what we mean.

Keep reading below to learn more about how you can improve your daily living experiences with Lutron lighting and shade control.

  2169 Hits

3 AV Solutions You Need in Your Louisiana Home


Let Campo Better Living Change the Way You Enjoy Entertainment

It’s never too early to start planning a big project, and what better time of year to do so than after the long season of back-to-back holidays. As the new year comes around the corner and you look back at the year behind you, did you accomplish everything you wanted to do? Home renovations and technology upgrades are usually on homeowners’ to-do lists but get pushed aside as people make their gift lists, check them twice, and decide who’s been naughty or nice during the holiday season.

Don’t look back on 2021 as the year you put entertainment on the back burner in your Slidell, LA home. Instead, keep reading to learn three AV solutions you need to incorporate on your property to become the ultimate entertainment spot next year!

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